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Image by SJ Objio

Leslie Morales

About her

Leslie has worked as the lead monitor in Kindergarten for the past four years. With a love for children, Leslie enjoys serving and guiding them in their studies. She brings a heart of love to her students, leading with a firm yet loving guidance. Leslie holds an Associates degree in Communications and Language Arts. She has prayed for years for an opportunity to have her own classroom, and she is excited for such a time as this; to share all the love and joy with Heartland’s Pre-K students.


Leslie’s favorite verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

My children attend Heartland too!

I grew up in Coachella Valley

I am fluent in Spanish.

I love rollerblading

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As a thank you to our staff we host a staff Appreciation night every year. To help support your favorite staff member, you can write a note to them by clicking here:



3327 Kenora Drive,
Spring Valley, CA 91977
Phone - (619) 461-7220

Contact Us

2024 Heartland Christian School

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